What Is A Halfway House?

While halfway houses provide an excellent and affordable sober living community, there may be some disadvantages to a halfway home for certain people. Living in a halfway house will provide you or your loved one with a safe, drug-free (and alcohol-free) environment. At a halfway house, you will continue working on your early recovery while…

Meet Our Staff New Life House

If you need assistance, please contact the Department of Public Health. We follow a low-barrier housing-first clinically driven approach to guide clients towards health and safety. A client is not a statistic; a case file is not who that person is. We provide HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI testing and counseling; a healthy meals program;…

Bodybuilding: A Comprehensive Review of Performance-Enhancing Substance Use and Public Health Implications PMC

A number of transdermal testosterone preparations have become available recently, but it is difficult to deliver large amounts of testosterone using the transdermal formulations. Users may supplement their program of injections and pills with topical gels to provide a constant low-level testosterone supply. Recent studies increasingly suggest that the use of AASs and other PEDs…